On Day 4 – Friday 15th December 2017

Across the road from where we were stopped was the Botannical Gardens so we had a look around in there.  At the back of the Gardens was the Caravan Park and beyond that is the Wimmera River. There is a walking and cycle track along the river and there are signs at the end of Firebrace Street showing the places of interest along the river.

After 6pm we decided that as there was a dump point near the end of Firebrace Street we should try to empty our black tank.  We made 5 trips with a hosefull – luckily we had a hose with connections each end that we could connect and it held over 10 litres of whatever.  Awkward but it worked well.

We had made a trip to Bunnings and purchased a rubbish bin that would be strapped to one of our small trollies to carry the hose.

Enough of that hard work – relax in the motorhome and watch more tv and then to bed.